On-Demand: AP Process a Little Frozen? Let it Go with Automation in JDE!

Discover how automation can heat up your AP process on this webinar.

It’s a process that has been going on for years. You have invoices from multiple sources in various formats; one supplier sends you PDFs, another likes to send you a physical copy; if you are lucky you get some via XML. Manually handling invoices and AP in EnterpriseOne can be time consuming with getting invoices registered, approved, and paid on time. This process is a little stale and could use an update via automation.

With a flexible and user-friendly workbench that is fully adaptable to your preferences, you get native JD Edwards AP Automation, out-of-the box and without the hassle of complex integrations. Scanman works in JD Edwards, not outside, and uses (and extends) the standard AP processes. You also get full audit trails of the entire process and mobile review and approvals to boot!

Fill in the form below to watch this webinar on-demand to learn how automating the invoice entry, approval and matching processes will save time and money. We will show you this and more with SCANMAN.

Webinar Rec Form - SCAN Webinar 12102020