
Orchestrator, a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tool already available at your fingertips, allows you to build microservices. It’s designed to be used by analysts, developers, and super users who have a good understanding of the EnterpriseOne application.


Our team has been working with our customers to develop an Orchestrator Library. Coupled with our development services to customize them for you, we’ve been able to ensure they are executed correctly resulting in planned and strategic Orchestrations.

Does your company do Meter Readings? Now we have a series of Orchestrations in our library that will allow you to process your meter readings by validating CSV input, updating readings in JDE, and logging errors for your reporting.

We can also help you to automate your exchange rate updates to multiple currencies with an easily managed Orchestration.  From a source currency to multiple others, updated daily.

To learn more about our complete Orchestrator Library click the image on the right or contact us.

Learn about iSP3's Orchestrator Library

Click image to see whats in our Orch Library

Request Orchestrator White Paper

Orchestrator Can Be Challenging

In this white paper we explore five Orchestrator challenges that we have come across and teach you how to effectively manage them.

  • Updating tables directly
  • Cross-environment DB connection
  • UNC paths as variables
  • Orchestrations using the scheduler
  • Debugging when Orchestration errors

Click image to request whitepaper


If you are looking for educational content like tips & tricks for using Orchestrator check out our resource hub by clicking the image on the right.  You will get access to Oracle & iSP3 videos related to Orchestrator like "How to Record Process Steps for an Orchestration".

Orchestrator can be used for:

  • IoT – connect to external devices and generated data
  • User Interface – display filtered and gathered data
  • Process Simplification – perform pre-recorded tasks
  • Extend Integrations – invoked from external system by calling the endpoint
  • Autonomous ERP – transform how you use the JDE system by automating processes and generating reports, notifications, and kicking off additional services

When approaching orchestrations, it’s important to remember to keep it simple; break down orchestrations into small pieces.

Think about the customizations you have in place and what you could automate. Use your imagination and think about how you can use orchestrations in your industry as well as in your specific role. Use multiple orchestrations where you can and leverage EnterpriseOne.

It’s also important to test the limits of the data set and reach the top capabilities of the integration to find issues before fully diving in. It also helps to have trusted and experienced resources on hand when you need it.


EnterpriseOne Orchestration Processing image from: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E53430_01/EOTOT/understand_iot.htm#EOTOT107

Other Components:

  • Connection “Soft Coding” Setup - host, credentials, port, drivers
  • Notifications - for workcenter notifications, users “subscribe” to the notifications, similar to a personalized RSS
  • Orchestrator Monitor - monitor performance, errors of orchestrations
  • Orchestrator Client - testing client
  • Orchestrator Scheduler


Custom Service Requests
Used to develop custom functionality with GROOVY

Form Service Requests
Used to interact with JDE application forms
Automate user actions with the Process Recorder

Report Service Requests
Used to execute JDE UBE (Universal Batch Engine) for
data extraction, transformation, publication, and distribution

Data Service Requests
Used to query and aggregate data from JDE
Basic queries for tables or views

Watchlist Service Requests
Used to query, check, and evaluate
JDE Watchlists for action

Message Service Requests
Used to send messages to JDE users
Email message with additional attachments

Connector Service Requests
Used to connect to external systems, databases, or orchestrations
REST, DB, FTP, etc.


Inactive IDs

We’d always recommend our customers to run weekly checks to find out if employees with terminated status have their JDE User IDs disabled, to avoid the risk of someone using inactive User IDs to carry out fraud. If you don’t carry out these checks, you may only find out about them as external audit findings.

But carrying out the checks typically takes a lot of manual work, creating a custom report in a reporting tool, joining tables, exporting the results to Excel and defining formulas to perform the data comparisons.

Now you could create an orchestration that checks the values in those two items of data and reports on any exceptions.

Check Any Lingering Transactions

Before you close out the month, it’s a good idea to check that all relevant transactions are accounted for, with no transactions left unposted, or batches left unposted due to errors in a batch.

You could create an orchestration to run a report just before the month is closed out to identify any batches that have failed, or any items that are unposted, so they can be resolved.

External System Provides Data To Import

When you transfer information about new employees into your JDE system, you need to create an address book record and a new User IDs in JDE for those people. Currently this may be done by two separate people – one manually inputs the data into JDE address book; the other creates the User IDs.

You can now create an orchestration that will receive the data from the HR system, then create the Address Book entry and the User ID, and notify you when the orchestration is complete.

Help Desk, HR, Manufacturing, etc. can call Orchestrator mid-process

If you are looking for upgrade assistance so you can take advantage of the latest features of Orchestrator contact us today.