Keynote from Quest Forum Digital Event Looks at JD Edwards Re-Imagined
Much like other conferences, Collaborate 2020 moved from Las Vegas to an online, virtual event. During the video keynote, JD Edwards Re-Imagined, Lyle Ekdahl addressed why now is a time of re-imagining how we shop, dine, live our daily lives, and work.
Modernizing your ERP platform is important so that, should a worst-case scenario play out, you’re ready to scale, avoid obsolescence, and embrace digital technologies to create connected, agile, and real-time businesses. The time for modernization and digital adoption is now.
This keynote examined how customers have become digital enterprises and embraced the Oracle platform. Ekdahl explained that having a digital platform enables transformation. With a digital platform you can automate manual tasks, extend applications and data to mobile workers, machines, suppliers, and implement digital solutions that work for you and your business.
A Cautionary Tale
It is very common for customers to look at their ERP as little more than a record keeping device. Ekdahl shared lessons from a cautionary tale of one customer, who overnight had a significant increase in demands for their products. Their systems weren’t performing at the most optimized level and so that hindered their ability to deliver the target products that were required. The business leadership questioned whether JD Edwards could meet their business needs. Upon investigation, it was found that this company hadn’t performed an update in 10 years, they were behind on tools releases, they hadn’t taken advantage of the capabilities in the infrastructure to scale, and there was no adoption of digital technology. The status quo had become their operational model for the business and so, the system could not keep up.
However, they were current on maintenance which meant that they had the access and ability to modernize their solutions. Working with Oracle JD Edwards, they adopted solutions that would solve their short-term requirements and were shown how basic updating and configuration work, available in the product that they owned, could give them the performance they needed. This case study shows the importance of keeping systems up to date and current. A legacy version might run fine but the risks will increase if you pretend that it will work forever. Continuous innovation and adoption help avoid severe disruption and higher operational costs.
Real World Re-Imaginings
Ekdahl spoke with some customers via the video keynote to see how they are using investments and enhancements to re-imagine their JD Edwards.
Ford Meter Box was experiencing the difficulties that came with several manual tasks. Their data wouldn’t upload properly to EnterpriseOne and they had to contend with human errors. Being on EnterpriseOne 9.2 meant that they could take advantage of Orchestrator to create a more stable process and re-imagine their workflow. With the mobility of their remote workers, they were able to build a mobile app with Orchestrator and Address Book. With UX One, they were able to create a Manufacturing app that was cool for the users. Their experience showed them the value of automation and innovation and since their project, they’ve adopted a continuous model for tools releases and application updates.
Flatiron Construction’s goal was to get off the green screen and move to a web interface. Much like Ford Meter Box, they had many manual processes in place with multiple reports and a variety of solutions that caused a disconnect between the back office and the field. EnterpriseOne 9.2 helped to automate their third-party solutions with the adoption of Orchestrator. They were able to utilize IoT devices tied with Orchestrator for equipment in the field and saved costs due to all the automation. They also developed a mobile strategy on job sites so that data in the field could provide instant feedback. Their evolution into a digital business simplified their deployment process and continues with implementing the latest updates and looking at Cloud for their future roadmap.
TruGreen’s goal was to modernize their operations. They were previously on a very old platform that was hard to manage and hindered their ability to complete the goals they had in mind. Rather than migrating, it was easier for them to approach the project as a net new installation. They decided to run JD Edwards in the cloud rather than on-premise which has improved performance and provides a flexible architecture for modern operations. They are extending beyond JD Edwards and keeping processes in place to stay current.
9.2 Promotes Innovation
As technology marches forward, so must you. From a technology infrastructure becoming dated to the inability to support evolving business goals, now is the time to make the move from World to EnterpriseOne and we’re here to help.
“Everyone should see that ERP is really at the heart of an adaptive capability to really address processes, better utilize data, allow you to interact with machines, and streamline and make your processes smarter. You have to be on 9.2; you can’t innovate like this if you’re on World. That’s clear with what has been shared with us today.”
Moving to and utilizing EnterpriseOne 9.2 is the step to take to modernize your business. Not only do you have access to hundreds of features that are improved from older versions, but the adoption of Orchestrator is a big help in moving to automated processes. Continuous enhancements and critical security patches ensure that your system can perform the way you need it to no matter the internal or external disruptions that may occur. Embracing change and working smarter will help you be prepared.
At iSP3, our services are personalized to fit your needs. Let us know how we can help you on your journey to a re-imagined ERP.
If you missed the keynote, the recording is available here.
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