Why a Platform Matters for your Winery
The Wine and Beverage industry is fast-moving, and a variety of factors have led to driving business change. The pandemic hit the industry hard, affecting not only operations and distribution but also how consumers interact with wineries and purchase products. Working remotely while collaborating on business initiatives coupled with the need to stay on top of internal business change requests, is setting up the expectation for companies to be agile. There is a need to be forward thinking while at the same time respecting your roots, both figuratively and literally.
A fair amount of today’s IT spend goes towards maintaining the software solutions of yesterday. Total cost of ownership (TCO) is a significant factor when considering your platform choice.
- Does the platform beneath your winery system support or hinder your business initiatives and change requirements?
- How much is your current winery system costing you?
- Can you change at pace to meet your business needs?
- What is the true cost to your business of not having platform flexibility?
Why should a winery keep their platform in mind?
With demands for quick turnaround on necessary business changes, your ability to adopt flexibility can significantly impact your success. When your technology isn’t up to speed, you’re constraining your business in a time where maintaining the status quo isn’t going to cut it.
Traditional application suites are proving to be a burden on businesses and come with a variety of challenges. Customizations to these technologies have been a hindrance to implement and an expense to own. They come with not only a monetary cost but the effort to maintain and respond to demands. A SaaS winery solution can change, adapt, and mitigate security risks. The costs of enterprise grade security are built into the solution, further reducing your business costs.
The ideal solution is one that offers an unprecedented level of enterprise grade winery functionality and technologies that extend and enhance the information available to your business users.
WineTrax is a solution designed and built by a winemaker. NuVerge had their own in-house winemaker, working with their product development team and building out wine industry specific applications, functionality, reports, and integrations with the winemaker’s needs in mind. This mindset was brought to every aspect of the WineTrax design and build.
Source: I Run a Winery: Why Does the Platform Matter by NuVerge, September 27, 2021
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